3 Best Small Hummingbird Feeders

3 Best Small Hummingbird Feeders
Looking out for small hummers making their way into a feeder and sipping on nectar is a popular pastime for just about everyone. Generally speaking, hummingbird feeders usually come in hundreds of different types and there can be a huge difference in their sizes too. However, for some backyards, you don’t really need to have a large feeder to feed them. Well, of course, if you see quite a lot of birds hovering around, you must choose large feeders instead. But for just a couple of hummers, it is sufficient to have a small feeder of about 8-ounce capacity. Now let’s deep dive into some of our top picks!

3 Best Small Hummingbird Feeders


Juegoal 12 oz Hanging Hummingbird Feeder with 8 Feeding Ports

Juegoal Hanging Hummingbird Feeder

This kind of feeder has its own benefits thanks to its saucer-style shape. One of the great advantages of having this feeder is that the filling is pretty hassle-free. The reason being, if you decide to refill this feeder, you don’t have to turn it upside down (which is great!).

This feeder holds up to 12 ounces of nectar and can also feed eight hummers at a time. Thanks to its detachable cover, it is an absolute breeze to fill it up and also pretty easy for thorough cleaning. Whether you want to hang it on a feeder stand or onto a tree branch, the metal hanging rod makes it super easy. 

The all-around design of this unit allows hummingbirds to perch while sipping nectar. Plus, if sweet nectar attracts any unlikely visitors like insects, this unit also comes with a built-in ant moat to scare them off. The clear plastic of the bottom part allows you to monitor if the feeder needs thorough cleaning and the level of nectar as well.

What We Like
  • Very easy to refill and clean
  • Contains eight feeding ports
What We Don’t Like
  • The base is made of plastic material

Perky-Pet 203CPBN Pinch Waist Glass Hummingbird Feeder

Perky-Pet Waist Glass Hummingbird Feeder

With its four flower-shaped feeding ports and a classic glass bottle reservoir, this feeder is our top pick. The reservoir is available in multiple colors. If you pick out the red reservoir, it will probably capture the attention of hummers toward itself. However, for a clear reservoir, you have the advantage of monitoring the nectar level quite easily. 

The bottle holds up to 8 ounces of food and thus, it is perfect for four to five hummingbirds. It is super easy to refill and clean this feeder, thanks to its wide-mouth reservoir, and it comes apart fairly conveniently too. This feeder contains built-in bee guards on each of the four feeding ports to fend off the crawling insects from intruding on the nectar. What’s more, there is also an ant moat at the top: fill it with water and it will keep the ants away.

What We Like
  • Pretty easy to refill and thoroughly clean
  • Prevents crawling ants 
  • Reservoir has multiple colors
  • Contains four flower-shaped ports
What We Don’t Like
  • Capacity of glass bottle is fairly small

Learn More: Best Nectar Guards for Hummingbird Feeders


Perky-Pet Window Mount Hummingbird Feeder Iridescent Color (8 oz )

Perky-Pet Window Mount Hummingbird Feeder

Thanks to the inviting design of this feeder, it makes it super easy to have an up-close look at the hummers sipping nectar from the inside. The fact that it attaches directly to the windows (as it comes with a suction cup) makes it a great option for those who like to see the small feathered friends buzzing about. Plus, the tapered design of the feeding ports holds back bugs and bees from polluting the nectar. 

In order to have comfortable dining, the base of this unit allows birds to perch while feeding from soft, flexible ports. You can hang this unit from a tree or a wall by means of a screw. 

Whether you want to move it to a new location or the unit needs refilling, this feeder comes with quick-release clips, making it pretty easy to move around.

What We Like
  • Very easy to assemble and refill
  • It comes apart completely for easy cleaning
  • Prevents crawling ants
  • Three soft flower ports for feeding
What We Don’t Like
  • Small capacity

Learn More: Best Window Mount Hummingbird Feeders

What To Look For In A Hummingbird Feeder

The size of the feeder is super important while picking out the hummingbird feeder. The smaller the size is, the fewer number of hummers it can have. Plus, if the size of the reservoir is too small, it will require you to refill quite often. It really depends on how many birds you are looking for to accommodate on a feeder. Let’s say if you are looking for feeding a couple of birds, then an 8-ounce basin is good enough to accommodate them.   
Saucer vs. Inverted
Hummingbird feeders typically come in two different shapes: saucer-style and vacuum feeders. Each one of these offers its own distinct benefits. If you are looking for a large capacity reservoir, vacuum style would be a good choice. The reason being, such kind of feeders are actually inverted bottles and they come with a feeding base. They can hold a large amount of food for several birds at a time. Besides, it is very easy to see the level of nectar inside.

However, it comes with few downsides too: when the unit needs cleaning, inverted feeders may not be the best option since they are pretty hard to clean. Also, they tend to leak a lot when the glass bottle is broken. 
Learn More: Best Glass Hummingbird Feeders with Perch

As for saucer-style units, they allow for easy refilling and are also pretty mess-free to thoroughly clean. But there is a catch: they hold food for perhaps two to three birds only and so, these feeders may not be the favorite option for maybe five to six birds. 
Easy to Clean
During warm weather, the growth of bacteria and mold can build up rather quickly. No wonder, they are harmful to your tiny friends. For that reason, it is super important to scrub the unit down regularly – after about five days or so. Hence, you need to look out for feeders that allow for easy and thorough cleaning as opposed to those with narrow necks. You also need to make sure that the brush reaches almost every corner from the inside. 

Hummingbirds feeders
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